Hinweisgebersystem Deutsches Rotes Kreuz
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1. Data protection and data safety →
This category concerns violations of data protection laws and regulations for the protection of personal data, especially when a large number of data or particularly sensitive data are involved.
Unauthorized access to personal data
Particularly sensitive data has become accessible to unauthorized third parties
Technical barriers or systems do not work or can be circumvented
2. Medical and personal safety, hygiene and environmental protection →
Incorrect medication administration
Violation of hygiene regulations
Improper storage
improper disposal
Neglect of persons in care (residents, daycare children, etc.)
3. company and business secrets →
Trade and business secrets are all facts, circumstances and processes related to a company that are only accessible to a limited group of people within the company and the non-disclosure of which the company has a legitimate interest in.
Disclosure of trade and business secrets to unauthorized third parties
Granting access to trade and business secrets to unauthorized third parties
4. Property offences: confiscation and appropriation of property belonging to others →
Examples: theft or misappropriation of property to the detriment of the company or to the detriment of third parties (residents, suppliers, etc.)
5. Bribery / corruption (corruption) of interest →
Acceptance of money, gifts or other benefits, e.g. from suppliers, customers for a consideration
Granting of money, gifts or other benefits, e.g. to officials in exchange for a service in return.
6. Conflicts of Interest →
A conflict of interest occurs when a person has opposing interests, e.g. private and professional. There is a danger here if the personal interests of an employee conflict with the interests of the company and the company suffers damage as a result.
7. Money Laundering →
Money laundering includes any activity in which criminally generated proceeds are smuggled into and through the financial cycle in order to then be used for an activity that appears legal. The aim of money laundering is to ensure that it remains unknown at all times that criminal assets are involved.
8. Manipulation of business documents/balance sheets →
This means in particular the violation of applicable accounting regulations or the principles of proper bookkeeping, which leads to misrepresentation in the company's financial reporting. For example: impermissible creation or falsification of invoices, credit notes, financial statements, test reports, etc.
9. Labor law / working conditions / occupational safety →
Violations of occupational safety regulations or working time regulations
Violations of service instructions or professional standards
Violations of internal ethical standards such as the Red Cross principles
unequal treatment
disrespectful handling
10. Evasion of Taxes or Duties →
Such a case exists if, through an active act or omission in breach of duty, unlawfully too few taxes or duties (reduction) are paid or an otherwise unjustified tax advantage is obtained.
11. Antitrust and Competition Law →
This includes violations that work against ensuring and maintaining effective competition in the market. An anti-competitive situation exists, for example, in the case of agreements or an exchange of information relevant to competition between companies and their competitors.
12. Other Violations →